
The Lebanese Republic is a country in the East Mediterranean. It is bordered by Syria to the north and east and Israel to the south.

Link to external site : Website for Lebanon
Development Developing
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GDP ($m)
HDI classification High
Mobile Connections (m)
Currency LBP
CountryISO LB
Sovereignity Country
Territory of - NA -
{"type":"PieChart","data":[["Operator","Connections"],["MTC Touch (Zain)",1738840],["Alfa (Orascom)",1503032]],"options":{"title":"Connections","is3D":true}}
{"type":"ColumnChart","data":[["Year","Connections"],["Q4 2000",760370],["Q4 2001",765220],["Q4 2002",764203],["Q4 2003",791811],["Q4 2004",876211],["Q4 2005",979000],["Q4 2006",1067000],["Q4 2007",1197000],["Q4 2008",1481000],["Q4 2009",2380552],["Q4 2010",2681741],["Q4 2011",3041728],["Q4 2012",3329660],["Q4 2013",3553394],["Q4 2014",3719719]],"options":{"title":"Connections"}}
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Channel Analysis
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COT Analysis
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Persona Analysis
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No data to report
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PI Analysis
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Central Bank
Key Regulations
Type of law
Legal System
Mixed legal system of civil law based on the French civil code and religious laws covering personal status, marriage, divorce, and other family relations of the Jewish, Islamic, and Christian communities
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Law is based on
Modeled after French civil law
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Sectors active in Digital Money
Allowed Models
{"type":"Gauge","data":[["Label","Value"],["Mobile Penetration",63.18],["Banked",23],["Internet",23],["Urban",87],["Adult",72],["Literate",89.61243888]],"options":{"scaleHeight":0.5,"min":0,"max":100,"redFrom":76,"redTo":100,"yellowFrom":26,"yellowTo":74}}
Population m 4.10
Adult % 72.00
Migrants %
Stock Immigrants ('000)
Emigration Rate %
Internal Migrants ('000)
Internal Migration Rate %
Intl Movement Rate %
Urban % 87.00
Female % 49.10
Literate % 89.61
Annual Growth %
Mobile Penetration % 63.18
Banked % 23.00
Access to FS % 39.38
Internet % 23.00
Branches per 100k adults 29.12
ATMs per 100k adults 38.55
POS per 100k adults 1,292.92
Prepaid % 83.50
Prepaid SIM Registration
MobileUnbanked (m) 1.99
Monthly ARPU
Cards 2010 ('000)
Propensity %
On Remittance Sent
On Remittance Received
Mobile Unbanked
Migrant %
MP %
Banked %
Can Provide Payments?
Can Market under Brand?
Can issue E-Money?
Can Open Customer Account?
Can Own Customer?
Can do Cash In/Cash Out?
Can offer Domestic Money Transfer?
Can offer International Money Transfer?
Importance for Digital Money
Digital Money Adoption
Prime Candidate
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Registered Wallet Users
Top Wallets
Like PSD countries, non bank allowed
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Informal Market
Cost To Remit
Key Players

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